Sunday, 16 August 2009

PowerPoint (Quiz)

Hi everyone,

I have just learnt about how to create hyperlinks within PowerPoint presentations. I followed the instruction guide on creating PowerPoint buttons through the Internet4Classrooms website. I never knew that in PowerPoint, links can be added to easily other sites and pages throughout the presentation. Buttons can be designed for the user to either click on or hover the mouse over for them to perform their function (Brooks & Byles, 2000).

I have created a very simple PowerPoint for my Prep students to help them to understand colours. I would also have them try to use their prior knowledge of sounds and find the word that corresponds to the colour. For example, pink – they would need to look for the ‘p’ word. Below is the link to my MediaFire account where this quiz is located.

Colour PowerPoint Quiz

I found that the creation of this quiz was quite time consuming. I have concluded that ClassMarker seems easier for the Learning Manager and students to create and use. The only problem with ClassMarker is that once students have chosen an answer, they are unable to change it. However, by creating a PowerPoint Quiz, it can be considered an informal test or learning activity for students.

In the upper grades, students could use this technology to create their own quizzes for classmates, based upon their classroom work. This would assist students to gain a deeper understanding of their content knowledge and develop ICT skills. It is also important to note that students would need to understand copyright laws to ensure that they are creating their own original work.

The use of this technology relates to the Learning Engagement Theory (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999) by using the following framework:

- Relate – students work in collaborative teams to create a quiz for their peers in a real-life context.
- Create – the PowerPoint is created based on a problem. For example, students create a PowerPoint for their peers to test their understanding of how climate change is affecting their local community.
- Donate – students allow access to the PowerPoint and provide opportunities for peers and teachers alike to test their knowledge.

Although this technology is time consuming, it is a good learning tool that students can take ownership of and present to their peers a quiz that challenges current knowledge and viewpoints.

As a Learning Manager, it would be my role to facilitate and scaffold students’ learning of how to effectively use this tool. It would also be important that I teach the students appropriate research and referencing skills so that they create a PowerPoint within copyright laws.



Brooks, S., & Byles, B. (2000). PowerPoint: Using Buttons on a Slide Show. Retrieved August 17, 2009, from Internet4Classrooms:

Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory:. Retrieved July 10, 2009, from

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